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Professional Wrestling Referees
Dream job for weird kids
So few rules to enforce, and yet they always fail.
Ueli Maurer
Head of the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport, Switzerland
Those are all things Switzerland sucks at.
People in Windows 7 Ads
Windows 7 was not your idea at all.
Giorgio Napolitano
President of Italy
He makes decisions, and Silvio Berlusconi ignores them. It's pretty funny.
Dmitri Medvedev
President of Russia
Yeah, sure he is.
Former Kentucky Derby front runner
I know it's hard for horses to keep their calendars up to date, but when you're the front runner of the Kentucky Derby, you might not want to do whatever it was you were doing to hurt your leg right before the race. Lame.
Bertha Lewis
President of ACORN
I didn't follow this controversy at all, but I know ACORN doesn't exist anymore.
Michael Steele
RNC chairman
After his lavish spending and criticizing of Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh! many in the party are trying to get rid of him. Even though that would mean losing his blog on GOP.com, which, though now untitled, used to be called What Up?
Mark Rosenthal
CEO of Current TV
If someone from MSNBC's The Ed Show caused an international incident in which two reporters were captured by North Korea and had to be freed by a trip by Bill Clinton, at least a few of us would tune in to an episode of The Ed Schultz Show. But still no one has seen that blur of short YouTube-looking segments that calls itself Current TV. Al Gore is even worse at starting networks than he is at running for President.
Gil Kerlikowske
Drug czar
That whole drug-czar thing hasn't really worked out.
"We Are the World 25 for Haiti"
Fundraising song
Wow, that sucked.
Billy Tauzin
CEO of PhRMA, a pharmaceutical-company lobby group
After losing on the health care bill, he's being forced out of his job in June.
Admiral Luis Aranda
Chief Naval Officer of Bolivia
As the website 247WallSt.com said, "Runs Naval Forces of a land-locked country that can't afford a navy. Enough said." I hope the website 247WallSt.com is right.