The Top 10 Everything of 2009 Top 10 AlbumsTop 10 Animal StoriesTop 10 ApologiesTop 10 Art ExhibitionsTop 10 Awkward MomentsTop 10 Best Business DealsTop 10 BreakupsTop 10 BuzzwordsTop 10 Children's BooksTop 10 Crime StoriesTop 10 Editorial CartoonsTop 10 Facebook StoriesTop 10 Fashion Faux PasTop 10 Fashion MomentsTop 10 FeudsTop 10 Fiction BooksTop 10 Fleeting CelebritiesTop 10 GadgetsTop 10 Green IdeasTop 10 HeroesTop 10 iPhone AppsTop 10 Late-Night JokesTop 10 Magazine CoversTop 10 Medical BreakthroughsTop 10 Movie PerformancesTop 10 MoviesTop 10 New SpeciesTop 10 News StoriesTop 10 Nonfiction BooksTop 10 Oddball News StoriesTop 10 PariahsTop 10 Pictures of the YearTop 10 Plays and MusicalsTop 10 Political GaffesTop 10 QuotesTop 10 Religion StoriesTop 10 ScandalsTop 10 Scientific DiscoveriesTop 10 SongsTop 10 Sports MomentsTop 10 T-Shirt-Worthy SlogansTop 10 TV AdsTop 10 TV EpisodesTop 10 TV SeriesTop 10 TweetsTop 10 Underreported StoriesTop 10 UntruthsTop 10 Video GamesTop 10 Viral VideosTop 10 Worst Biz Deals TIME charts the highs and lows of the past year in 50 wide-ranging lists Share Tweet Prev 101 of 500 Next View All Top 10 Editorial Cartoons 1. 'Save the Women and Children ... and My Bonus Too' Jim Margulies / The New Jersey Record Jan. 30 Next The Watchful Eye of Twitter