Israel has had its share of transformational leaders who are comfortable on the world's stage, dealing with their nation's often oversize challenges. Benjamin Netanyahu is one of these iconic Israelis, a strong, determined leader who has excelled during a lifetime of service to the state of Israel. Bibi's accomplishments and service as a soldier, a diplomat, an economic reformer who took on the difficult and politically perilous task of challenging the status quo, and a two-time Prime Minister rank him among the world's great leaders.
Now, at a time of tremendous international instability and growing danger, Prime Minister Netanyahu, 62, has provided a compelling and reasoned exposition of one of the gravest threats facing the world today. He deserves credit for drawing attention to the threat Iran poses to Israel, to America, to the region, to its own people and to the free world. Confronting Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and sponsorship of terrorism is an urgent task for all of us. At this perilous moment, Prime Minister Netanyahu is the right leader for Israel — and the right partner for America.
Cantor is the majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives