Hung Huang is one of the most formidable women I've ever met. Her intelligence, joie de vivre and understanding of the West and China make her a force for the future.
Her mother Zhang Hanzhi was a true legend in China. She taught Mao Zedong English and later became his favorite interpreter, working on Nixon's visit with Henry Kissinger. Hung spent her teenage years going to school in New York City and college at Vassar.
These days Hung, 49, is hugely influential in Chinese culture, tweeting with humor and intelligence to 2.5 million people. She runs a fashion magazine called iLook, owns a store featuring Chinese designers and recently became the director of the first design museum in China.
What makes Hung unique is that she understands America, its pragmatism and practices, yet she remains a true Chinese patriot. She works hard to bring her country's culture into the 21st century.
Von Furstenberg is a fashion designer