What would be your signature issue as First Lady/Man?
Reclaiming the government for the people by so that we may elect officials
who are courageous and able to create institutional change — supporting
peace, global environmental, human and animal well being and prosperity
through monetary reform.
Who is your First Lady role model?
Eleanor Roosevelt.
What don't we know about your spouse?
Quite a lot I imagine, but what you see is what you get. There's great
honesty in Dennis' presence. He's great fun, incredibly courageous
and always, without fail, stands for the very best interests of the
American people. He is very very loyal to his countrymen and women.
What do you like most about the campaign trail?
Meeting thousands of people who are searching for hope and truth and
knowing that I am working in partnership with the one person who leads
America to
What do you like least?
Airport check-in and security lines.
Would you expect to have a say in the President's policies?
The President's policies would be his own. Dennis has decades of experience
and has a very clear vision as to what is required for America to regain
its strength. Our working relationship complements the vision that he
shares with the American people for a strong and prosperous nation with an
honest government for the people.
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try not to miss?
We don't have time to watch TV.
What's the one campaign food that you could go your whole life never eating
We are very lucky in that people send us delicious vegan lunch boxes and
dinners when we are on the road. There is a vegan food (snack) bar that
Dennis seems to live on in his snack breaks however which I can't even
look at any more.