What would be your signature issue as First Lady/Man?
While there are
many issues I care about, my first issue will be to care for what my
family needs. When we move to Washington D.C. in 2009, it will be the
first time our daughters, who are now 9 and 6, will have lived away from
the Southside of Chicago, and of course, my husband will also be
starting a new job, so we have a lot of exciting changes ahead, and I
want to make sure our family is happy and healthy and settled.
Who is your First Lady role model?
Each of our First Ladies have brought something unique to the role — something intrinsically their own
— whether it was during their tenure in the White House or a legacy that
remained after their husbands left office. Each one has faced unique
challenges whether it is trying to raise children or champion an issue —and each one deserves admiration for her own unique contribution.
What don't we know about your spouse?
That's a tough one because he's
shared so much of himself in his books and in his role in public life.
But folks might not know he still gets his haircut at the same
neighborhood barber shop he's been going to for years.
What do you like most about the campaign trail?
I've met so many
incredible people and visited some very special places I maybe never
would have been were it not for this campaign. I'm consistently inspired
by the enthusiasm and hunger for change from the folks I meet on the
campaign trail. And it's fun to see our daughters participate in this
extraordinary time in history from their front row seat on this
What do you like least?
While the day trips I make allow me to get my
girls ready for the day and tuck them in at night, they sure can be long
Would you expect to have a say in the President's policies? You know, Barack and I talk about everything. But as it was when he was an Illinois State Senator, and then became a U.S. Senator, and when it comes to the campaign now, I'm not his policy advisor. I'm his wife. And these days, that's a full time job!
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try not to miss?
Spongebob — not because we try not to miss it, but because it's hard to miss in our
What's the one campaign food that you could go your whole life never
eating again?
In August, we spent an evening as a family at the Iowa
State Fair. It was a beautiful day and we had a fantastic time. After
Barack had to go to his next campaign stop, the girls and I stayed and
rode the rides into the night. We tried practically one of everything
from the food vendors — corndogs and pork sandwiches and caramel apples
and funnel cakes — and we loved a lot if it. I think next time we maybe
just shouldn't eat it all at once.