What would be your signature issue as First
Mental health.
Who is your First
Lady role model?
Eleanor Roosevelt. She expressed
compassion by reaching out to people in difficult situations — troops
far from home, minorities who were denied equal rights. Not only did her
work complement FDR's during a long and difficult presidency, but after
his death she continued to make contributions to improve both her
country and the world through her work at the United Nations.
What don't we know about your spouse?
Due to
minimal coverage by mainstream media of candidates who aren't deemed
celebrities, you don't know about the cornerstone issue of his campaign
— a proposal for a national ballot initiative that will allow citizens
to vote on the important policy issues that affect our lives. The
National Initiative would bring fundamental change to our broken
political system — not merely a change of which political party is in
power. Without the empowerment of American voters, issues such as access
to universal health care will never be enacted because of the corrupting
influence of special-interest money on our elected representatives.
What do you like most about the campaign trail?
Hearing from people and meeting people who are inspired to re-engage
with their dysfunctional government because of Mike's speaking about
uncomfortable truths and his proposal to empower American voters.
What do you like least?
The mainstream media's
lack of fair and balanced coverage and treatment of ALL candidates,
including the substance of their platforms and political philosophies.
(And the hassles of commercial airline travel.)
you expect to have a say in the President's policies?
A wise president would encourage debate and dialogue on critical issues
and listen to varied sources of information, including his/her
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try
not to miss?
NewsHour With Jim Lehrer.