What would be your signature issue as First Lady/Man?
I am a mom so first and foremost, of course, I am an advocate for them and the issues affecting them. I will also dedicate my time to after school programs for underprivileged youth like the ones John and I started in North Carolina, breast cancer awareness and the issues facing military families because I come from one myself.
Who is your First Lady role model?
I admire the mothering of Jackie Kennedy, the chutzpah of Betty Ford, the wifely support of Rosalynn Carter and the social consciousness of Eleanor Roosevelt.
What don't we know about your spouse?
He believes that if food is not on a plate, the calories don't count.
What do you like most about the campaign trail?
The people I get to meet and the stories I hear about peoples' lives and families.
What do you like least about the campaign trail?
The stories I hear about struggles that people simply should not have to face in our country.
Would you expect to have a say in the President's policies?
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try not to miss?
NCAA basketball.
What's the one campaign food that you could go your whole life never eating again?
Chicken caesar salad! Everywhere you go, it's chicken caesar salad.