What would be your signature issue as First Lady/Man?
As first lady, I would focus my energy on a number of issues, especially educating elderly people on handling their finances and raising awareness of childhood allergies — our oldest daughter Grace suffers from a severe allergy.
Who is your First Lady role model?
There are so many admirable women to choose from, but Abigail Adams comes to mind. Abigail played a vital role in the lives of two presidents, her husband and her son. She was extremely capable, and shouldered an incredible amount of responsibility during her husband's frequent and lengthy absences. She ran the farm, kept the family financially afloat and raised and educated her five children at home. She was one of the earliest advocates for women's political rights. While she had no formal education, she loved to read and write and was an intellectual and emotional partner to her husband. Theirs was a great love story between two best friends. President Adams confided in her, trusted her, and sought and valued her advice.
What don't we know about your spouse?
Chris is incredible dad and he is great with our two daughters. Chris also always has a good word for everyone, and it's always helpful to have him around when we're doing chores — he can even make cleaning the living room fun.
What do you like most about the campaign trail?
I love meeting and talking with voters and hearing what issues they believe are the most important to our country. It is an incredible experience to meet with all of these people and share Chris' message of proven, bold leadership with voters.
What do you like least?
With all of the states moving up their primaries, I only wish that I had more time to meet with voters across the country. Chris' travel across the country also means that he isn't home as often as I'd like, but we know that he is running to improve our lives — especially the lives of our children and all Americans.
Would you expect to have a say in the President's policies?
Well, with a five-year old and a two-year old, I think my primary role would be as 'First Mom.' But I would continue to act as a support system for Chris.
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try not to miss?
Chris and I try not to watch too much television, but we try to make time to watch programs like Dora the Explorer with the girls.
What's the one campaign food that you could go your whole life never eating again?
The food is a great part of the experience! I've tried so many different things since going on the campaign trail, Chris especially loved the deep fried twinkies on a stick at the Iowa State Fair. But, I avoid foods with nuts in them because our eldest daughter Grace has a nut allergy.