With multifunctional digital cameras shrinking to near charm-bracelet size, it seems that any vacationer has the capability of turning an exotic holiday into a National Geographic photo safari. But who cares if the only way to enjoy the results is to stare at a computer screen, with your friends rolling their eyes as next snap uploads?
Cleary, photos look better in print. And what better way to brag about your latest trip to Mongolia than with your very own coffee-table book? We found three specialist websites that will make one for you with a few clicks of a mouse. MyPublisher.com offers a downloadable program that allows you to choose books up to a deluxe 11.5 inches by 15 inches (30 cm by 38 cm) in size. You also get to pick the cover style, and specify captions and layout via a simple drag-and-drop process. In addition to hardbound books, PhotoWorks.com offers customized calendars and greeting cards for all the friends who didn't even get a T shirt. Alternatively, for those seeking to memorialize a wedding or a baby's birth, Shutterfly.com features cute backgrounds, pastel-striped covers and caption fonts that lend an arts-and-crafts feel.