What's Next
Ten revolutionary ideas that will change how the world works — from marketing movies to fighting extremism
Maimed by the Mob (Commentary)
Italy cannot fix its broken political system until it summons the anger and determination needed to fight the scourge of organized crime
Magical Mystery (Movies)
A film version of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency goes to great lengths to portray Africa in a happy light
Africa's Many Film Roles (Movies)
Filmmakers have cast it as a backdrop for everything from adventure and romance to tales of moral outrage
Babylon: Visions of Vice (Exhibition)
A stunning show at the Louvre in Paris explores the myths and the reality of ancient Babylon
Mountain Magic (On Show)
An ancient Himalayan religion comes to life in a striking exhibition
Culinary Ascent (Amuse Bouche)
Outdoorsy South Tyrol is becoming the Michelin star hub of northern Italy
Photo Finish (Diversions)
Online publishers can help turn your laptop's photos folder into your own coffee table book
Indochic (TIME Traveler)
With stylish new resorts already open or in the offing, Vietnam makes a bid for the high-end tourist
When Clooney Came to Dinner (Inbox)
The Power of Communication; A Good Heart or a Good Angle?