Indian Summer

Many of the years since independence were ones of promise undelivered. But India is beginning to live up to its dreams — perhaps encouraging neighbors to emulate its success


Italy's Misruling Class

As they cast a jealous eye on changes afoot elsewhere in Europe, Italians are increasingly fed up with the complacency of the nation's highly paid yet slothful political élite. Will public outrage finally force the pampered pols to rouse themselves and lead?


Outward Bound

A breakneck trip to Afghanistan, Pakistan and the U.S. offers a daunting preview of the challenges facing Britain's new Foreign Secretary, David Miliband


Behind Party Lines (Inbox)

Dynamic Duo?; A September Stand-Down?; Danger's Warning Signs


China's Healing Power

After long turning a blind eye to the conflict in Sudan, Beijing is displaying a new willingness to twist arms in Khartoum. The payoff: a better chance of peace