An Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev

Candid views about U.S.-Soviet relations and his goals for his people

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I trust that you will not think that I am inclined to look at all of this with rose-colored glasses. This is a very profound process, and it is one that is concerned with the very deep restructuring. It is a very important thing in this country. It affects people, it affects personnel, it affects the very methods of management. The fact that we have been replacing some people is nothing of an extraordinary nature. This is a process that has been going on since perhaps a couple of years ago, it is an ongoing process, it is a natural process of replacement. It will be a bad situation when the process stops. It is not that these various decisions on personnel problems reflect some kind of political struggle around the problems that we are endeavoring to resolve nowadays.

We feel that everyone everywhere in the Soviet Union must change all of their work styles; that goes for all of us here and down at the regional levels and down at the worker-collective level. Everyone has got to restructure things, restyle his whole way of working and thinking. This will still require a great deal of work within the party and within the entire population. This policy has enjoyed some very great support among the people, and that shows that we have taken the correct line. Now if only we can fulfill our plan as well as we have done during this interview.

I think that there was some prior arrangement that we would spend about one hour together. It has now been two hours. If we could overfulfill our production plans like that it would be great.

I would like to end by just saying a few words that are important in understanding what we have been talking about all along. I don't remember who, but somebody said that foreign policy is a continuation of domestic policy. If that is so, then I ask you to ponder one thing: If we in the Soviet Union are setting ourselves such truly grandiose plans in the domestic sphere, then what are the external conditions that we need to be able to fulfill those domestic plans? I leave the answer to that question with you.

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