Letters, Sep. 29, 1952

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Of the 900 members of the Harvard class of 1936, only 300 reported, 200 live incommunicado on Capri, and there never was any accounting for the remaining 400. Geographically, we have dispersed all over the country since graduation: Boston, East Boston, Melrose, Newton Center, Newton Falls. Whereas only one Eli went Communist, our entire class, as everyone knows, is Communist . . .

In business . . . 50% (the figure, if not average, is equitable) have never worked, and those who have tried haven't liked it ...

Our class seems to have gotten around a bit more than our Yale cousins; 87% (the figure, if not median, is modest) have given up exercise entirely . . . 70% (the figure, if not average, is round) practice polygamy, the remainder dream about it ...

The Harvard class of 1936 watches TV all the time. We buy no books, but 43% of us (the figure, if not accurate, is curious) snatch the comics from our children. Speaking of offspring, we have had 1,365 of them. Of these, 52% are children. Of the remaining offspring, who are not children, 90% plan to go to Yale.


New York City

Come, Come, Smith


We Christians must welcome the just rebuke meted out to us by Gilbert K. Smith in his well-reasoned defense [Sept. 8] of Jelke and his playboy and playgirl friends. How foolish of us to prefer an attitude to sex which is not in keeping with "sound economic activity in this cold, commercial world." My only criticism of his otherwise pleasantly logical argument is that he appears to show signs of some of the narrowness which he so rightly discerns in us. Surely the dope peddler's vocation is just as commercially sound as the pimp's. The teenager has the money, the peddler can use the money; both parties are satisfied and one of them profits monetarily by the transaction. Come, come, Smith, let's have a little less intolerance, please.


Gaspé Basin, Quebec

Sirens, Then & Now


In regard to Karan Singh & Wife [TIME, Sept. 8], I noted with great pleasure that Theda Bara was exactly right in her portrayals of an Oriental siren.


Coushatta, La.

Talk & Action Sir:

Having just returned from the Lund Conference of the World Council's Commission on Faith and Order, I read with a certain surprise the report in your Sept. 1 issue . . .

You quote one delegate as saying that not talk but history brings changes in the Church ... Of the more than 100 denominations that have united during [this] century, most have acted since the Faith and Order movement . . . began its work in 1910 . . .

Incidentally, your editors ought to be aware that without the Faith and Order Movement there would be no World Council of Churches uniting . . . 160 denominations throughout the world . . . Public opinion growing out of "talk" brought it about.


Executive Secretary

Mission Council

Congregational Christian Churches

New York City

Release-Date Mixup


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