Letters, Sep. 29, 1952

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Language, Bolted & Otherwise


I recall that last spring, W. T. Radius [April 14] lent Eisenhower Cicero's advice to run ["Those whom Nature has endowed with the capacity for administering public affairs, should . . . enter the race . . ."]. Against his eloquent antagonist, however, the general could better use Cicero's art than his counsel. We may, perhaps, excuse him as Shakespeare excused the speech of another army man seeking office:

Consider this: he has been bred i' the wars

Since 'a could draw a sword, and is ill-schooled

In bolted language; meal and bran together

He throws without distinction.

—Coriolanus, Act III, Scene 1


Oxford, England


... I have just finished reading the texts of three Stevenson speeches, and should like to advise you Republicans to keep those speeches away from that fine and sincere man, General Eisenhower, or he too will see that we have a truly great man running on the Democratic ticket—and cast his vote for Stevenson.


Ann Arbor, Mich.


It is rapidly becoming apparent to the sensible voter that his choice between presidential nominees is narrowing between a demonstrated leader who has earned the free world's confidence on the front page and a brilliant orator whose phrases might best be relegated to the political cartoon section . . .


Hatboro, Pa.

Question & Answer


In 1938 we in Wisconsin looked down our pristine noses, clicked our chaste tongues and said: "How could Hitler come to power in sober, intelligent Germany?"

. . . Today we bow our heads in shame and humiliation as we feel the eyes of the nation and hear: "How could McCarthy happen in 'sober, intelligent Wisconsin?"

I wish I knew the answer.


Madison, Wis.


The astounding victory of Joe McCarthy . . . comes at first as quite a shock . . .

The realization now comes to me that this is truly a damning of the present Administration for its unwillingness to rid our Government of subversives . . . The only right way to end "McCarthyism" is to vote for Eisenhower and rid the Government of those elements that have created a need for "McCarthyism."


Duxbury, Mass.

Curious, If Not Accurate


John Hersey's whimsical study [Sept. 8] of what has happened to the Yale class of 1936 doesn't surprise me in the least. Even back in 1936 they were a dispirited lot.

Mr. Hersey . . . dredges up a staggering variety of medians, averages, proportions, percentiles and per capitas about his class . . . The resulting potpourri suggests that his 829 classmates have been successful to an extent that is frightening.

Mr. Hersey's chauvinism for Yale '36 has . . . roused me to analyze the record of my own class, Harvard '36. What a difference! What a breath of unclean air!

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