People: Oct. 10, 1969

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While posing for photographers in Chiswick, England, the happy couple gazed fondly down on their newborn son Carlo. But the mother, Actress Vanessa Redgrave, made it clear that there was one thing the future did not include: her marriage to the boy's father, Italian Actor Franco Nero. The free-spirited star of The Loves of Isadora had said, when she announced her pregnancy in April, that she had no plans to marry Nero ("I don't think marriage would make me a very nice person to live with"). Carlo's birth has made Vanessa no less adamant. "I doubt very much if we will get married," she said last week.

They threw stones at Nixon and spat at Rockefeller, but the huge crowds that turned out for the touring Apollo 11 astronauts in Latin America last week demonstrated unrestrained adoration. In Mexico City, Bogotá, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, women and children crowded into the streets simply to touch Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins, or to tear off pieces of their clothing as souvenirs. "You are supermen," said an Argentine admirer in broken English as he shook Armstrong's outstretched hand. "No," answered Armstrong in Spanish, "we are common men."

In his years as a TV star, he kept the censors working overtime, cutting out his gamy wisecracks. Now just past his 74th birthday, Groucho Marx is still demonstrating an undiminished capacity for the leering remark. "Would you pull your skirt down?" he asked a coed at a college film seminar in Los Angeles. "It's very distracting, even at my age." Then Groucho called the students' attention to a scene in his 1935 movie A Night At the Opera. As con man Otis B. Driftwood, he was carrying Margaret Dumont's luggage up a gangplank. "Have you got everything, Otis?" she asked. "I haven't had any complaints yet," he boasted. "That line," said Groucho, with obvious pride, "was cut out of the movie in virtually every state in the Union."

White Hunter Patrick Hemingway of Kenya, visiting the Soviet Union for the Ninth International Congress of Game Management, was astonished to find that his name made him the center of attention. "I never thought my father was so popular in Russia," Patrick said, as reporters and their interpreters queued up. "I'd like to know whether it was because of his talent as a writer or his human qualities." Young Hemingway, whose motto is "to shoot, to write, and to tell the truth," was taken hunting by his hosts, and missed a long shot at a big elk. But the Russians found Patrick's literary tastes right on target. Though he reads and enjoys his father's works (his favorites: Green Hills of Africa and The Snows of Kilimanjaro), he confessed that his favorite writer is Turgenev.

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