People: Oct. 10, 1969

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As photographers focused their cameras on the monstrous bulge above his boxing trunks, ex-Heavyweight Champion Ingemar Johansson shook his head ruefully and admitted that "118 kilos [259.6 lbs., on a 6-ft. frame] is not precisely fighting weight." Still, reporters had vivid memories of the "toonder and lightning" right hand that flattened Floyd Patterson in 1959, and they suppressed their laughter when Ingo, 37, announced that he may try a comeback. Addicted to the good life even in his prime, and a problem drinker in the years since, he claims that he has now given up smorgasbord and women—he was recently divorced from his wife —and is back in rigorous training. "Three training bouts to shake off the rust," said Ingo, "and I wouldn't be afraid to meet the world's champion."

"It's been a rather shaking night," the soprano quipped after singing the third act of La Bohème under somewhat unusual circumstances. First there was that rumbling noise backstage at the San Francisco Opera House. "I looked around, thinking maybe they had turned on the wind machine," Dorothy Kirsten recalled. "I was sort of dizzy and the floor was shaking. I was so engrossed, I didn't know what was happening." What was happening was a strong earthquake—5.6 on the Richter scale—the bay area's biggest jolt in twelve years. A few of the less courageous and persevering opera devotees headed for the exits, but most stayed on to hear the diva finish with the phrase addio senza rancore (goodbye without regret). "We never missed a note," said Dorothy proudly, "but I kept thinking about those last words in the aria."

Beset as they are by snarled traffic and chaotic driving conditions, the citizens of Rome could scarcely believe the words uttered at Leonardo da Vinci Airport by the visiting dignitary. "The U.S. hopes to be able to benefit," said U.S. Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe, "from Italy's well-known achievements in the field of transportation, and to cooperate in attacking the problems of rapid urban transportation." In Italy to call on the Pope and to visit his parents' birthplace at Pescara, Volpe had an embarrassing admission to make when he turned up half an hour late for a subsequent briefing session with reporters. He had been caught in a Roman traffic jam.

Testifying before a House Post Office subcommittee in Washington, the silver-maned Senator urged a crackdown on the "smut peddlers" who send pornography through the mails to children. Despite "wishy-washy" court definitions of obscenity, said Barry Goldwater, "As a father and a grandfather, I know, by golly, what is obscene and what isn't." That same evening the Senator effectively dispelled any notions that he might be a prude. At a National Aviation Club reception in his honor, Pilot Goldwater fondly recalled his recent 2,100-m.p.h. flight at the controls of Lockheed's superjet, the SR-71. "I like airplanes and aviation," he said. "They're like sex, and I'll be after them as long as I can."

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