Letters, Jun. 12, 1933

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But any man who writes up a wedding, as he did the day before he launched off into Eternity, should be destroyed as a fetid pestilence: Had the editor of La Scinana (probably the filthiest publication in the world, and. sad to say, is under the protection of the United States of America: through the influence of a very powerful American insurance company) had its editor, Carbo, Sergio Carbo, been similarly destroyed, several years ago, the moral tone of every last child in Cuba would have been spared the infamous pollution that Carbo has fouled its receptive mind with; so insidiously degrading and degenerate, that no wholesome minded man can have any conception of. La Scinana has polluted the National mind of Cuba, from her marble palaces to her most outlying and poverty stricken palm leaf hut. Still its Editor-in-Chief is allowed to live and pollute a Nation: under American protection For shame. While the flower of the young manhood of Cuba is willingly giving up its life in an apparently vain attempt to purify Cuba's national life! . . . . Machado, with good advisers, would have been one of the greatest of Presidents but with such men as Mascaro, Vasco Bello, Arsenic Ortix, Cartaya and others of the same type, as his most confidential councilors and advisers, the explanation may be easily seen: of what might otherwise seem quite incompatible'. For why should a 33rd degree Mason align himself with a 44th degree assassin of such insatiable cruelty as Ortiz bristles with and always manifests?

The students and the A. B. C. have set themselves to clean up Cuba of its many curses: such as lottery, universal gambling, brothels and dives, vile publications as Politico Comica and La Scinana, graft, politics that exploit Cuba for personal gain, regardless of public advantage. And they seek a system of liberal education, purity of the press, a wholesome young manhood and young womanhood of Cuba Libre, the total eradication of snobocracy, a nation-wide sense of honor, true and devoted,men and women. Then they will have gained Freedom, Liberty, Justice and Honor, as few nations yet possess the same. . . .

Probably in the whole world the students of no other University can compare with those of the students of the University of Havana who. without exception, are willing to die for the ideals of their Alma Mater: and hundreds of them have already sacrificed their lives upon her altars, while America looks on like a painted cow through a painted gate. . . .


Professor of Physical Culture &

Director of Athletics Havana University Havana, Cuba

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