Letters, Jun. 12, 1933

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Black Canyon Dam


Please permit me to correct a statement in May 22 issue: "From time out of memory the Colorado River canyon in which the Government today is building the world's biggest dam was called Boulder."

This canyon is today, and I believe for a good many years has been, known as Black Canyon. Boulder Canyon is a considerable distance up stream, and was abandoned as a dam site after the preliminary surveys. I would suggest, for the benefit of your Eastern readers and the Secretary of the Interior, that you publish a correction.

To the extent of my limited knowledge no attempt has ever been made to change the names of Wilson Dam, Cleveland Forest or Jefferson City. Democratic Washington may designate this great project by the misnomer "Boulder,'1 but to me, and I think many another Democrat, it shall continue to be known as Hoover Dam.


San Fernando, Calif.

Sirs: . . . The original surveys were made with the intention of placing the dam in Boulder Canyon but the dam is actually being built in Black Canyon, a few [20] miles below Boulder Canyon.

Less childish and more courteous would have been renaming the dam by the more accurate though less euphonious title of "Black Canyon Dam," as this would have implied some other reason besides politics for the change.


Los Angeles, Calif.


You are certainly all wet in your "Back to Boulder" article May 22. . . .

Mr. Hoover deserves much credit for the completion of the Seven-state compact which made the construction possible. . . .


Executive Assistant to Secretary Wilbur in 1930 Los Angeles, Calif.


Because Boulder, Colorado had won "her place in the sun" as one of the most beautiful little cities in America (pop. 12,000) and because of the fact that for 75 years we have had a Boulder Canyon and for many years, a dam at the head of that canyon, 18 miles from the city, we protested the naming of the new city near the dam site in Nevada, "Boulder City.''

And now we note with regret the decision of the administration to change the name, "Hoover Dam" to the "Boulder Dam," thus still further adding to the confusion of names that has made it necessary for us to answer more than 5,000 letters concerning the "Boulder Dam." . . .

We have a "Roosevelt" National Forest adjoining our city's 6,000 acres of mountain park lands, and we are proud of both the forest and the name it bears.

Why not be magnanimous to a defeated President and merciful to an overworked Chamber of Commerce Secretary and let the name "Hoover Dam" stand?



The Boulder Chamber of Commerce Boulder, Colo.

Mustached Daladier


TIME for May 29, p. 14, bottom of col. 3— "His [Daladier's] first move in office was to antiquate newspaper files throughout the world by shaving his mustache. . . ."

Apparently TIME goes with the antiquarians. The cover of this issue shows a mustached Daladier.


New York City

Writing Sirs:

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