Education: Kunvenintajn Esperantistojn

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Criticism of U. S. teachers came last week from Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, president of Union Theological Seminary, addressing the annual convocation of summer students at Columbia University. Said Dr. Coffin: ". . . Brachiopod teachers are at fault. Brachiopods are mollusk-like creatures, the most ancient inhabitants of this planet, which have always reproduced their own species, but never had any part in the evolution of other living creatures. . . . There are brachiopod teachers who transmit their own minds but do not stimulate students to advance human knowledge.

* Esperanto is pronounced as spelt, with the accent on the antipenult. The "i" is pronounced "ee;" accent-marked consonants are aspirated. —After Sept. 1, teaching of English will be compulsory in all Czechoslovak schools. German is already compulsory.

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