Education: Kunvenintajn Esperantistojn

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They hung a green flag with a green star in a white square in the Louis XVI room of Manhattan's Hotel Manger last week. About 150 delegates gathered there and chatted in a language which no bellboy, waiter, clerk could understand. The men wore green neckties, the women green enamel stars. It was the 22nd annual congress of the Esperanto Association of North America, the organization for fostering and teaching the "universal lan-guage" which "promises sacred peace."

From the roots of many languages was Esperanto— evolved by a Polish physician, Lazaro Ludovico Zamenhof, whose pensive, bearded face done in oils looked down upon the convening Esperantists last week. Esperanto sounds like an Italian or Spanish patois.

The foregoing paragraph, translated into Esperanto reads as follows:

El la radikoj de multaj lingvoj Eperanto evoluigis per la laboro de pola kuracisto Doktoro Lazaro Ludovico Zamenhof kied pensema barbita vizago en olenpentrita portreto malsupren rigardis la kunvenin-tajn Esperantistojn la pasintan semajnon. Esperanto sonas kiel ia itala au hispana dialekto.

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