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When I was done spying on Joel, I gave him a quick rundown on what I had seen. He was fine about the book proposal. He'd been having second thoughts about it anyway. He had an explanation for the $112.76 that involved the high price of American CDs in Iceland. And he pointed out that he had not added to the snarky e-mail about our co-worker. All he did was read it. Then he told me that for the good stuff I should have spied on his home PC. That's where he does his most interesting web surfing, he said. He went off on a brief discourse about the various kinds of hard-core pornographic pop-ups that show up when he visits soft-core sites. Joel also told me that he keeps all his financial data on his home computer. Interesting. Come to think of it, I've always wondered about his salary. Joel, I owe you an e-birthday card. Be sure to open it at home.
--With reporting by David Jackson/Los Angeles, Laura Locke/San Francisco and Elaine Shannon/Washington