Almost every day in the winter of 20092010, Hiroshi Sugimoto woke at 5:30 a.m. in his Tokyo studio and checked the weather. If it was a clear day, he loaded his old Polaroid camera and walked into a hallway that was bathed with a strip of bright, natural color and started snapping pictures. The color was the projection from a floor-to-ceiling crystal prism, which stood at the center of a large, white, light-filled room. The polaroids became Colours de L'Ombre, a collection that captures the purest reflections from the color spectrum and has been immortalized as a series of scarves for Hèrmes.
Wearable Art: Hèrmes Unveils Latest Editeur Collection
Hèrmes transcends the boundary between art and fashion with exquisite scarves created by visionary guest artists. Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto, whose carrés d'artiste are on display from June 12 to 21 at the Museum der Kulturen in Switzerland, is the latest contributor to the series. Take a look at Suigmoto's work and the collection's unique history. (You can find more on Style & Design here)