There's a way you're supposed to handle the wedding of two major characters on a sitcom. You have a funny engagement episode, months of wackiness ensue as the wedding is planned and then the couple ties the knot in a very special episode. "Fancy Party" broke all the rules, and it was all the more special for it. Parks sprung the marriage of slacker lovebirds Andy and April on us as it did on their friends, and the result was perfect for their impulsive nature and Parks' giant heart. Parks had a string of stunning episodes this year — "Harvest Festival," "Li'l Sebastian," "Pawnee Rangers" — but this one offered both laughs and goosebumps. Reading her one-of-a-kind vows, April tells Andy, "I guess I kind of hate most things, but I never seemed to hate you." We don't hate you either, Parks and Rec. We don't hate you a whole lot.