Turns out, the millions watching the April 29th Royal Wedding on television cared less about Prince Williams' suit and Kate Middleton's dress than they did the hats atop the attendees heads — if you can call them that. The "hat" that garnered the most attention (and utter confusion) worldwide was Princess Beatrice's fascinator. Sporting a hat that resembled a beige toilet seat atop her head, the creation, designed by Philip Treacy, quickly spawned its own Facebook page and a website that imagined the fascinator on the heads of other famous people in history and in fiction. (Though we can't imagine Gone With The Wind's Scarlett O'Hara holding the same gravitas with a veritable toilet seat atop her head.) Fortunately, the ridiculousness of the hat has a happy ending — after the Royal Wedding, Princess Beatrice auctioned the fascinator on eBay, pledging to donate the money to two children's charities. All those Royal Wedding affectionados bumped the auction price up to a whopping $131,000. Thankfully, the obnoxious hat will now most likely be confined to a gallery.