Though she may go down in history as having the song with the most ridiculous lyrics of all time, tween singer Rebecca Black's star has fizzled. True, it seemed for a while there that everyone had the song "Friday" stuck in their head, with inane verses like "Kicking in the front seat/ Sitting in the back seat/ Gotta make my mind up/ Which seat can I take?" However, as Black attempted to make a go as a credible singer by releasing more songs on YouTube, the public was widely disappointed that her oeuvre wasn't entertainingly bad — it was just bad. To add insult to (celebrity-status) injury, it looks as if Black won't long be remembered for "Friday" either. Department store Kohl's co-opted the song for its Black Friday holiday sales campaign. Which, unfortunately for the girl who listed the days of the week in a song, likely means that the tune will be associated with frenzied shopping and holiday madness, not her entertaining breakthrough.