After Broadway's Roundabout Theater imported a production of Oscar Wilde's comedy "The Importance of Being Earnest" from Ontario (where it played at the Stratford Festival, with director Brian Bedford inhabiting the role of Lady Bracknell), the team at asked the company to travel just a bit further — across the Hudson River to New Jersey. Not to play the show in the Garden State, but to re-imagine lines from Jersey's most famous real-life characters in the style of Mr. Wilde. "Think of it as a comedy of bad manners," says Playbill about this multi-part series, where two of the play's stars, Santino Fontana and David Furr, deliver lines originally spoken by Snooki, the Situation and others in the cast of MTV's "Jersey Shore." We're thinking if Wilde was around today, he would embrace the TV show's vulgarity, but we do wonder with whom he might try to "hook-up."