It's hard to believe it has been five years since the Bluths last chicken-danced. It's sad to think of Franklin gathering dust in some forgotten closet and of Buster's hook rusting over in Balboa Towers. Which is why we're thankful for this year's outpouring of creative energy into reviving Arrested Development after nearly a decade of waiting. In October, the entire cast reconvened and confirmed the long-swirling rumor of a feature-length film and not-so-subtly hinted at a new season of episodes. Though creator Mitch Hurwitz and cast members love to dangle the new-season carrot, this time it seems legit. Netflix outbid Showtime for streaming rights to the new season, which is set to air in early 2013. As such, this Thanksgiving we give many thanks to the return of Motherboy, never-nudes, Segways and Barry Zuckerkorn. Oh man, I think we just blue ourselves.