In 2010, orange was the new black — at least for Lindsay Lohan, who was sentenced to 90 days in the slammer for failing to comply with the probation terms levied after her 2007 drug case. Lohan had missed seven of 27 weeks of alcohol-education treatment, and it was at her sentencing hearing in July that Lohan's distaste for the law really began to take form. Some savvy photographers noticed the phrase "F*ck u" was painted on one of her fingernails. Could this little act of rebellion have been grounds for contempt of court? Who knows. But in a few months later, Lohan tweeted about failing her most recent drug test and respectfully declared that "if I am asked, I am prepared to appear before judge Fox as a result." Lohan was sent back to jail and later ordered to wear another SCRAM alcohol-detection ankle bracelet. Her latest stint in rehab is set to run through at least early January. But she appears to have turned a corner — at least according to her mother, who in November told The Today Show that her daughter has ambitions to open her own rehab center some day.