It's been a banner year for the only daughter of Mike Huckabee, who squeezed in a wedding and a honeymoon while running a campaign to unseat Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln, the Democratic incumbent. Huckabee, 28, was in elementary school when her father first ran for office, and she honed her political chops on his colorful but unsuccessful campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008.
Who is your political hero/inspiration?
My dad. He's an amazing politician, but an even better parent. Everyday he
challenges me to be a better person and I will forever be grateful for that.
What's your go-to political blog?
Between running a campaign, being a newlywed, and managing my fantasy
football team I only have time to read the Swampland blog on TIME.com.
If you weren't working in politics, what would you be doing?
Spending more time with my husband and less time on my blackberry.
What's the most overlooked issue facing America these days?
America needs more fathers taking an active role in their children's lives.
Kids who are the victims of broken families are more likely to end up in
poverty, rehab, or jail. I'm a Republican, but I respect President Obama
for setting the right example and addressing this problem. I hope more
people will join him in his efforts.
Where do you see yourself professionally in five years?
I don't know where I will be in 5 weeks let alone five years. But if I am
still working in politics I hope I never lose sight of why I got involved in
the first place.