Top 10 E3 2009 Announcements The biggest announcements from the largest video-game trade show in the world Share Tweet Prev 7 of 10 Next View All Power Up Fight Dracula. Again. By Scott OlstadThursday, June 04, 2009 As you may know if you've tuned into HBO or peeked into an angsty teenager's bookbag, vampires are cool again. Now famed designer Hideo Kojima, creator of the popular Metal Gear franchise, has announced he will take a crack at the Dracula-hunting Castlevania series. The partnership is a Jetsons-meets-Flintstones of the video-game world: a matching of Konami's most inventive designer with one of its longest-running (nearly thirty games over two decades) and most conservative franchises. The new game, which features voice acting by Patrick Stewart and Robert Carlyle, aims to reinvent the series for the current generation of consoles and become the first decent 3-D title in the series. While the debut trailer's dialogue is cheesy and the gameplay looks derivative of God of War, there are more than enough fans willing to give Kojima the benefit of the doubt. See pictures of E3 booth babes at Next PSP Go Time