The Year in Review: TIME's Top 10 Everything of 2013
Wednesday, Dec. 04, 2013In 54 lists ranging from books to babies to medical breakthroughs, take a look at the highs and lows of the past 12 months

Pope Francis: TIME Person of the Year
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013The first Roman Catholic pontiff from the Americas is poised to transform the world's largest church

Hootenanny: 10 Great Folk-Music Movies
Monday, Dec. 09, 2013Here are 10 of the greatest big-screen tales of working-class heroes taking on the world with an acoustic six-string and a microphone.

The Top 10 Best Movies of 2013
Thursday, Dec. 05, 2013TIME's Richard Corliss runs them down, from action to animation to documentary

Top 10 Music Videos of 2013
Thursday, Dec. 05, 2013Yes, there's Miley. But also Bob Dylan and Kanye

The 11 Most Influential Animals of 2013
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013Here's an unranked look at four-legged and finned creatures that shaped our year.

All 23 PlayStation 4 Launch Day Games
Monday, Nov. 11, 2013Sony's PlayStation 4 arrives November 15

Twitter's Best Feuds, Fails and LOLz
Monday, Nov. 04, 2013140 moments that made the social network matter

Who Played JFK Best?
Thursday, Nov. 07, 2013JFK has been portrayed by at least 22 actors. We'll let you decide who best captured the 35th president.

50 Cultural Experiences to Try in 2014
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013From a rattlesnake derby to an avant-garde film festival, TIME editors round up the enriching adventures you need to try next year

Hidden Haunts: 10 Scariest Movies You May Have Never Seen
Monday, Oct. 28, 2013Add these to your Halloween watch lists

17 Ways to Be a Meme for Halloween
Friday, Oct. 25, 2013Not sure what to be for Halloween but know you want to dress like someone who spends too much time on the Internet?

Exclusive Excerpt From The Book of Jezebel
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013Inside the feminist blog's 'encyclopedia of ladythings'

President Taft's Diet and Other Presidential Weight Loss Tips
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013How the portly president from the early 1900s lost 60 pounds with simple changes, and why it's becoming a fad today

The 9 Worst Fictional Bosses
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013In honor of National Boss Day, we reflect on some of the worst

23 Games You'll Be Playing This Fall
Tuesday, Oct. 01, 2013Sports, space and super heroes all make the cut

30 Best Tumblrs to Follow This Year
Monday, Oct. 07, 2013As Tumblr goes from scrappy startup to billion-dollar buyout, we rounded up the best bloggers to add to your dashboard

'Made in America' Is Making a Comeback
Friday, Aug. 02, 2013Manufacturing is back but where are the jobs?

TIME's Guide to Watching the U.N. General Assembly
Wednesday, Sep. 25, 2013Here are our picks for interesting speeches to watch at this year's world leader gab fest

Foods You Are Probably Throwing Away Too Early
Thursday, Sep. 19, 2013See which foods have a shelf-life that might surprise you

Marching Band Beats Gone Viral
Wednesday, Sep. 18, 2013Tributes to Beyoncé, Gangnam Style, video games and more

10 Scariest Horror-Movie Franchises
Monday, Sep. 16, 2013They're baaack! The best perennial scary movie brands

Five Years After, 10 to Remember.
Thursday, Sep. 12, 2013Catching up with some of the actors in the meltdown drama

The X-Files Turns 20: Our Favorite Episodes
Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2013A look back at the 9 best episodes

Fukushima's Ice-Wall and Other Disaster-Fighting Measures
Friday, Sep. 06, 2013There have been some decidedly extreme environmental disasters in the last two decades. Here are some extreme responses to cope with them

Get Pinning! The 30 Pinterest Gurus You Should Be Following
Wednesday, Sep. 04, 2013From drool-worthy food to copy-worthy fashion, here are the experts with the best pins

'N Sync's VMA Return and Other Musical Reunions
Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013'N Sync's rumored VMA return reminds us of other musical reconnections

11 Suspiciously Sound-Alike Songs
Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013Robin Thicke is just the latest to be accused

Top 10 Great TV and Movie Butlers
Monday, Aug. 19, 2013Ten movie and TV butlers who served with distinction

Famous American Court-Martials
Monday, Aug. 19, 2013From Bradley Manning and Nidal Hassan to George Custer and Benedict Arnold, a brief history of the nation's most notable military trials