Can we fast-forward the U.S. climate conversation, say, four or five years and see where it will take us? Sure. That place is called California. But we might also look across the pond to Great Britain, where public advocacy for change is much stronger than in the U.S. and political leaders have passed and implemented their first carbon control laws yet the global situation remains dire. Britain's 188-year-old Guardian newspaper documents and shapes this future, with fresh, smart and edgy takes on climate: How is China a model for growth in the climate era? How can anti-carbon policy be anti-terrorist, too? Why is "saving the planet" a bad idea? The Guardian isn't yet a household name in the U.S., but it may be soon, if it keeps asking smart questions before everyone else.
Sample ClimateChange commentary: In other words, we, the most polluting countries, have tried all we can to do our bit about this climate change thing, but to be honest it's a pain and an expensive, inconvenient pain at that. Would you poorer, less developed countries mind ever so terribly if you did the emissions cuts on our behalf. Here's lots of money to help persuade you. That's better. Problem sorted. Now, back to the party.