Switchboard's team of more than three dozen writers makes it one-stop shopping for commentary on far-flung topics: what parks add to cities; why greens and business make good bedfellows; why there is a black market for bees. Switchboard is a bullpen of Natural Resources Defense Council specialists monitoring the changes we face within the shadow of a changing climate. Here, the issues that traditionally fall under the increasingly anachronistic category "environment" come to life with level-headed writing, intriguing items and commentary that fall below media radar.
Sample Switchboard post: In a swirl of Rose Garden ceremony, President Bush announced today an eleventh-hour plan for curbing global warming emissions. Unfortunately, it is as feeble as it is late. Now, in his eighth year, the president has proposed a path on global warming weaker than the campaign pledge he made in September of 2000 the pledge he broke three months into office.