This video network aims for a higher-level customer—one that doesn't like when video clips are dumbed down to run in flash players. Veoh sets no limits on the size of your video file or the length of the clip, and it can syndicate your masterpiece by uploading it to YouTube, Google Video and other major video distribution hubs. Download the Veoh TV player and you can subscribe to your favorite channels; the program will go out and grab the Web videos you want, download them and store them for you to view later. Veoh also enables users to swap high-res videos using a direct peer-to-peer (person-to-person) connection. Publishers can choose to post their videos free, or set a pay-per-view charge (Veoh gets half). Full disclosure: Time Warner, corporate parent of Time.com, is an investor in the private company. Metacafe has it's own pay incentives: it gives contributors $100 if their video tops 20,000 viewings, and $5 more for every 1,000 viewings after that.