Green-lifestyle websites seem to be sprouting up all over, but Ideal Bite serves up eco-friendly tips with a mixture of heart and sass, and doesn't ask you to compromise your personal style or comfort. Call it Green Lite; down to earth and practical, not preachy, Ideal Bite supplements its guidance with "Bang for the Bite" fun tidbits and "cocktail factoids" that speak to its playful approach. The advice is well-researched and delivered in series of persuasive and concise bullet points, followed by links to online shops that sell Earth-friendly goods like recycled wrapping paper and beeswax candles. One recent tip gave lazy gardeners permission to just leave the grass clippings where they lie after mowing the lawn; the clippings serve as a natural fertilizer, Ideal Bite pointed out, plus you'll use fewer plastic bags and keep yard waste out of the local landfill. Sign up to receive a daily tip via email, or read them all in the site's tip library. Honorable mention goes to Sprig, a green 'zine for women. And at Green Maven, you will find all sorts of websites that are devoted to the cause and can conduct a Google search rigged to produce only green results.
Our 2007 picks are the best examples of what's new and exciting about the Web right now. Here we honor sites with exceptional style and smarts, sites that offer new and improved ways to access and share content, generate our own and otherwise enrich the online (and off-line) experience. By Maryanne Murray Buechner
Ideal Bite
Green Living