Biden, Jill
job offer to husband of is revealed by
Boy George
15-month jail sentence of
Bush, George W.
potential criminal investigation of
taunting of by audience for Obama inauguration
unfond farewell is offered by [ITALIC "Harper's Magazine"] to
Chabon, Michael
boasting about inauguration experiences by wife of
Cheney, Dick
moving of own boxes byand one can only wonder what was in them that required the personal attention ofresults in pulled back muscle of
resemblance of to Dr. Strangelove (or Bond villain Blofeld, or Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life) is evoked by farewell appearance in wheelchair of
unhappiness of at Bush's failure to pardon Libby
Chirac, Jacques
mauling of by pet poodle of
Clooney, George
return to ER of
Cooper, Anderson
flub-filled broadcast by
Daily Show, The
life after Bush at
Kennedy, Caroline
mysterious cessation, then uncessation, then recessation of once seemingly assured but apparently always hopeless quest for Senate seat by
Kennedy, Ted
seizure suffered by at inaugural luncheon
thousands of employees laid off at
Obama, Barack
Blackberry of is kept by
existence of atheists is acknowledged by
finger-syncing at inauguration of
Guantanamo is ordered closed by
launch of White House blog of
services by Jeremiah Wright are not attended by
several thousand ticketholders are not let in to inauguration of
speech of
speech of inspires sour look on puss of predecessor to
Roberts, John
readministration by of presidential oath initially mangled by
Sawyer, Diane
inebriation is credibly simulated by
Thain, John
extravagant redecoration efforts of
forced departure from really nice office of
Trump, Donald
gratuitous scolding of Nixon's daughters is merely the latest example of the unending insufferability of
Wall Street Journal
harmless white powder arrives at headquarters of
Wyeth, Andrew
passing of