Quotes of the Day

August 8. Cover image
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008

Open quote

Your cover photo of swimmer Dara Torres would also make a great cover for Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition [Aug. 4]. Best of luck to her in Beijing!
C. Lin Jacobson, PASCAGOULA, MISS., U.S.

The summer Olympic preview of 100 athletes representing several countries in various sports seemed to focus on swimming, track and field, gymnastics and basketball. But sadly overlooked is equestrian. These three divisions: dressage, eventing and jumping test the mental and physical stamina of each partnership. There are millions of enthusiasts all over the world. It's high time the media realized that horseflesh is just as appealing as any bodies we see in the pool, on the track or on the court.
Alma Lou Annab, AMMAN

Beijing's Obstacle Course
I read all of Pico Iyer's piece on the Olympic challenge to see if it reflected the uncivilized arrogance of the headline writer that averred that "The real test [of the Olympic Games for China] is learning to play by the rules of the civilized world." This in reference to one of the oldest and most noble civilizations in human kind. Hopefully the writer did not mean the sort of civilization practiced by the U.S. government in unlawfully detaining and torturing people at Guantánamo Bay and in eroding what used to be one of the world's finest constitutions.
Charlene Smith, JOHANNESBURG

South Africa
Iyer's piece states "Beijing even invited Albert Speer, the son of Hitler's architect, to help design a major axis." This sentence implies a connection between the present Chinese administration and the Nazi regime. This is an enormous exaggeration. The handling of democratic development and minorities by the Chinese government are not to my liking, but the atrocities of the Nazi regime were committed on a much larger scale. The government of the People's Republic of China must be criticized with frank words, but this essay violates TIME's usual standards.

A Musical Milestone
I was interested to note that Jo Stafford had died [Aug. 4] and was surprised that you made no reference to her significant involvement in the late '50s with Billy Graham. Perhaps her most telling song was It Is No Secret (What God Can Do), and this became a favorite with Christians worldwide.

The Pursuit of Justice
How come Samantha Power [Aug. 4] doesn't see that as long as the International Criminal Court indicts and brings to trial Karadzic and the like, but not the other leaders responsible for no less criminal acts, then she shouldn't be surprised if that sort of criticism of the ICC continues as before. That being the case, to talk about justice is tantamount to accepting — with a loud "Vae victis" — the iniquities carried out by those who seem convinced that their aggressiveness is — and continues to be — simply above the law.

Mamma Mia, That's Good Copy!
I haven't yet seen Mamma Mia!, but if it is half as entertaining as Richard Corliss's review, I will have spent my money well [Aug. 4]. I just finished laughing out loud through the entire piece. I intend to use the phrase "practically a sequoia" often to describe my own 61-year-old personage. Whether I agree or disagree with his opinion of the film, I will remain grateful for an evening's amusement, at no cost and in the comfort of my sitting room.
Patricia W. Gould, NAPERVILLE, ILL., U.S.

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  • Beijing's Obstacle Course; South Africa; A Musical Milestone
| Source: Beijing's Obstacle Course; South Africa; A Musical Milestone