Quotes of the Day

Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007

Open quote'It isn't possible to change this regime through democratic means. There can be no change without force, pressure.'
BORIS BEREZOVSKY, exiled Russian billionaire, claiming that he was funding an attempt to oust Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin has called for Britain to strip the tycoon of his refugee status there and to extradite him to Russia

'I hope he arouses the fire that's dormant in the innermost recesses of my soul.'
ICHIRO SUZUKI, baseball player for the Seattle Mariners, about facing fellow Japanese player Daisuke Matsuzaka, a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox

'Look, I believe in the mission of this organization, and I believe I can carry it out.'
PAUL WOLFOWITZ, World Bank president, responding to calls for his resignation after he helped arrange for pay hikes for his girlfriend

'The international zone is not safe, it is just safer than the rest of the city.'
LIEUT. COLONEL CHRISTOPHER GARVER, U.S. military spokesman, after a suicide bomber infiltrated Baghdad's tightest security cordon and blew himself up in the Iraqi parliament café, killing eight people, including three Members of Parliament

'The ice has melted considerably, but the water remains cold.'
WANG YI, China's ambassador to Japan, on relations between the two countries following talks between Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo April 11 and 12. Wen's trip marked the first diplomatic visit to Japan by a Chinese leader in nearly seven years

'When the lion is chasing the antelope, he doesn't look back. He has to eat.'
ROBERT CHERUIYOT, Kenyan marathoner, on what kept him moving as he won his second consecutive and third overall Boston Marathon on April 16, running it in 2 hr. 14 min. 13 sec.

68% Percentage of North Korean defectors to South Korea who are unemployed, according to a new study. Over 10,000 North Koreans have fled to the South since the end of the Korean War, but many have trouble finding work due to discrimination
$1.68 Average hourly pay for employed North Koreans in the South, according to the study—less than half the minimum wage

65,000 Number of H-1B work visas available to skilled foreigners wanting to enter the U.S. next year
133,000 Number of applications U.S. immigration authorities received in the first two days after the H-1B application period opened on April 2. Candidates were selected through a lottery on April 12

69% Percentage of Americans who can name current Vice President Dick Cheney; 74% could name the Vice President in 1989
21% Percentage of Americans ages 18 to 29 who cited The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live as regular sources of election news

700 Number of variants tested by British scientists in a quest to find the perfect bacon sandwich, or "butty"
0.5 Noise level, in decibels, that scientists determined a properly crispy and crunchy bacon butty should register when bitten Close quote