Kristallnacht in Words and Photographs

Kristallnacht survivors share their recollections of the day the Holocaust began, dedicated to preserving the memory of Jewish life in Central Europe Nazis
Courtesy Gertrude Kritzer / Centropa

Gertrude Kritzer
Born in 1923 in Krumbach, Kritzler was expelled to Vienna right before Kristallnacht began: "I was walking home from the Schiffschul with my dad. At Karmelitermarkt (a market-place) my Hebrew teacher — whose course I had attended twice before it was forbidden — sat on a chair that had been put on top of a table. This man was an epileptic and the men in uniform had picked him out on purpose. They cut off his beard with scissors and blood ran down his face, while they were taking pictures, probably for the Stürmer (an anti-Semitic newspaper, and were yelling: 'Make the ear like this, after all they don't have small ears!' They probably enlarged the ears (on the photo) and then he was presented as an ugly Jew in the Stürmer. Once you've seen something like that, you never forget it."

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