Citizen Clinton (Cover Story)

With his memoirs and media tour, the former President launches his latest campaign. This time it really is one for the history books, and Ken Starr is a major chapter

His Side of the Story (Cover Story)

His Side of The Story In his TIME interview, Bill Clinton analyzes himself, what he did right, what he did wrong-and shows surprising empathy for George W. Bush


People's Power

By proving that he can connect with ordinary voters, Yudhoyono has emerged as the favorite to win Indonesia's presidency

Ice: From Gang to Bust (Crime)

A drug syndicate stretching from Southeast Asia to Fiji puts regional law enforcement to the test


Flushed With Pride (TIME Global Adviser | Diversions)

Sometimes toilets are tourist attractions in their own right

Course Work (TIME Global Adviser)

Feel like throwing a blowout banquet? Here's the tab

Big Fun (TIME Global Adviser)

Learn to be a mahout in Thailand


Getting Religion

LG Electronics' Kim Ssang Su wants to make his company a global brand

Asia's Burden (Viewpoint)

China and Japan are propping up the U.S. dollar. What happens if they stop?


Anim Goes Live (Movies)

Move over, Spidey. Japan's superheroes are making the big leap to the silver screen


Death of an Outlaw (Notebook)

Defying Pakistan's army made Nek Mohammed a local hero in Waziristan; it also may have sealed his fate

A Literary Thaw in Korea (Notebook)

Do North Korea's racy and topical new novels signal greater freedom, or is Kim Jong Il just letting off a little steam?

Verbatim (Notebook)

Quotes of the Week

Letters (Notebook)

Secrets of the Teen Brain