A Tale of Two Bushes (Men Of The Year)
One finds a vision on the global stage; the other still displays none at home
"What If We Do Nothing?" (Men Of The Year)
By moving decisively to blunt Iraq's aggression, Bush begins to shape a brave new world order
A Case of Doing Nothing (Men Of The Year)
Bush's feckless approach to America's ills is no accident, but a conscious strategy for defending the status quo
Determined To Do What Is Right (Men Of The Year)
The President says that in domestic policy, unlike foreign affairs, little can be achieved without first beating down the Democrats
Saddam Hussein (Men Of The Year)
Desert thug he may be, but Iraq's leader possesses an ugly finesse
Helmut Kohl (Men Of The Year)
Seizing the moment, he overcame all obstacles and remade Germany
Nelson Mandela (Men Of The Year)
A famous prisoner is freed at last, and hope dawns for the future
Boris Yeltsin (Men Of The Year)
This onetime comrade is setting the agenda for his whole country
Best of Times, Worst of Times (Men Of The Year)
In One Ear, in the Other
Tick, Tick, Tick
As the U.N. deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait nears, George Bush seeks to convince Saddam Hussein that his time is running out
Scrambling for a Seat
After winning a landmark voting-rights case, Hispanic candidates squabble over a new and powerful post
City on the Brink
Squeezed by budgetary woes and urban ailments, Philadelphia teeters on the edge of bankruptcy
Crime: Echoes of the Sound Track
Population: 250 Million And Counting
Missouri: To Die with Dignity
Colorado: Pure as Driven Sewage
The Sleep Gap
Madonna Justifying Herself
Health-Care Crisis
What Women Really Want
Soviet Union: A Slippery Slope
Buffeted on all sides, Gorbachev consolidates his powers to save the union — even if it means becoming the dictator Shevardnadze warned about
Yanayev: A Man for Other Seasons
Yugoslavia: Saying Yes to Independence
A stunning landslide vote in Slovenia brings the breakup of a European nation one more step closer
Romania: If At First You Don't Succeed ...
One year after the revolt that toppled Ceausescu, many Romanians feel the country needs a second revolution
Israel: Farewell to Moderation
As Islamic fundamentalists take charge of the Palestinian uprising, the Israelis resort to ever harsher countermeasures
Philippines: A Big-Bucks Verdict
China: Groping for a Consensus
Islam: No Mercy for Rushdie
The Vatican: Was Isabella Good Enough?
Suriname: A Christmas Eve Coup
Wanna Be . . . or Wanna Not Be? (Cinema)
Spin-Dried (Cinema)
Rushes (Cinema)
Critics' Voices (Critics' Voices)
Kid Power Conquers Hollywood (Show Business)
A spate of juvenile movies draws crowds of all ages -- and shows just who is the boss at the box office
Riding Out The Storm
The recession will stagger many industries, but some may do fine. Here is a forecast of winners and losers.
Fallen Emperors of the Air
They once ruled the skies, but now they skirt bankruptcy. What went wrong with the globe-girdling giants TWA and Pan Am?
Boycotts: Balloons Of Doom
Agriculture: Frostbite In the Groves
Sporting Goods: Hot Shoes For Cold Days
Computers: Safer by The Screen
Personal Touch
The notes look handwritten, but a computer did the work
Can't We Talk This Over? (Behavior)
Therapists encourage troubled couples to stay together