Afghanistan: A Tale of Soldiers and a School (Cover)
Deep in the Taliban heartland, U.S. troops try to win hearts and minds by reopening a school. The obstacles they meet show how tough it will be to win the war in Afghanistan
Inside the Battle for Hearts and Minds
Photographs by Adam Ferguson / VII Mentor for TIME
From Poland's Tragedy, Hope for Better Ties with Russia (Commentary)
The death of many Polish leaders in a plane crash may yet lead to a reconciliation with Russia
Let Me Eat Cake: A Night of Culinary Luxury (The Awesome Column)
What better time than a recession to explore the heights of culinary luxury. Pass the caviar, please!
Who Will Get the Stevens Seat? (The Well / Nation)
After a 35-year run, John Paul Stevens gives Obama a second chance to reshape the court
The War Over America's Lunch (The Well / Food)
Getting kids to want to eat healthy food isn't easy. Serving wholesome fare at fast-food prices is even harder. How Revolution Foods is helping school cafeterias swear off frozen pizza and fries
NASCAR: A Once Hot Sport Tries to Restart Its Engine (The Well / Sports)
A once hot sport is stalled by the economic crisis, dull racing and bland drivers. How to jump-start the stock-car circuit
NASCAR's Nation of Fans
Around the track with the devoted spectators of America's premiere motorsport
Where to Buy a Land Mine in Sri Lanka
The civil war in Sri Lanka may be over, but you can buy a "land mine" in Jaffna — though they're more likely to explode in your mouth than anywhere else
A Question Of Character (Profile)
Britain's Conservative leader, David Cameron, is ahead in the race for 10 Downing Street. But the electorate still isn't sure who he is or what he stands for
The Moment
4|12|10: Washington
The World
Russian Adoption: What Happens When a Parent Gives Up?
Torry Hansen's abandonment of her adopted son, 7-year-old Artyom Savelyev, has rocked Russia, the U.S. and the international adoption community
Brief History: The Periodic Table
The Skimmer
Book Review: Eaarth by Bill McKibben
Malcolm McLaren (Milestones)
Wilma Mankiller (Milestones)
Anatoly Dobrynin (Milestones)
Kick-Ass: Redefining the Superhero (Movies)
Smart, scrappy and very, very violent, Kick-Ass redefines the superhero-movie genre
Best in Show (Television)
After a decade's worth of supporting roles, Glee funnywoman Jane Lynch is finally breaking out
Suddenly Sue: Glee's Jane Lynch
Shock the Monkey (Books)
A novel of violence and silence from the author of Life of Pi
Actor David Duchovny
Even as he appears to be the most laid-back guy in the room, there's a lot going on for David Duchovny, who is shooting a new season of cable hit Californication and starring alongside Demi Moore in The Joneses.
Short List
Helping Hearts (Health Checkup)
Women survivors are out to change the notion that heart disease is mostly a man's problem
Lady Madonna (Health Checkup)
It's not easy to keep a family healthy, and the burden nearly always falls on women. For reasons big and small, nobody does it better
Chief Medical Officer (Health Checkup)
In most homes, women are the primary-care doc. Here's how to make the most of the role
Cheap Health Care Plans: Let the Buyer Beware (Life / Cash Crunch)
Too good to be true? Why some cheap health plans come up short
Built for Blahniks: A Chevy for the High-Heels Crowd (Life / Cars)
Chevy tweaks its SUV for the stiletto crowd
Custom-Made Headphones: Listen Up Before It's Too Late (Life / Techland)
Yes, better headphones cost more. But they let in less noise, so you won't crank the volume
Food Flight (Life / Travel)
At 30,000 ft., will celebrity chefs, brand-name snacks and gourmet salads be enough to unlock your wallet?
Boardroom Revolution (Global Business / Governance)
Female directors bring something new to Europe's firms: smarts
HP vs. Everybody (Global Business / American Re: Reinventing and Retooling The Economy)
The path to growth is blocked by Cisco and IBM. CEO Mark Hurd must now take them on
Kraft's Sweet Tooth (Global Business / Front and Center)
CEO Irene Rosenfeld talks some snack and defends the firm's buyout of Cadbury
10 Questions for Diane Sawyer (10 Questions)
The ABC World News anchor reflects on her decades as a journalist. Diane Sawyer will now take your questions