Shell Game (The War)

As the U.S. hunts bin Laden, the Afghans take turns surrendering, switching sides and killing one another


Buying Into A Recovery

A burst of mergers is the latest of many sudden signals that a recovery may be around the corner


Close to Home (TIME Bonus Section/Generations/Retirement)

Choosing to remain near familiar pleasures, more and more retirees decide against moving to traditional warm-weather havens

A Choice Contract (TIME Bonus Section/Generations/Careers)

Retirees find that for-hire work offers the best of both worlds

Finally Real (TIME Bonus Section/Generations/Turning Points)

The feminist recalls how the fragments of her life snapped together to make a whole


Soldier On The Beat (Nation/Homeland Security)

Our domestic safety used to be up to cops. Now the Pentagon wants to step in


Older, Wiser And More Anxious (Personal Time/Your Family)

Stress over world events is affecting the elderly. So have you e-mailed your grandmother today?

Don't Bet It All On Your Employer (Personal Time/Your Money)

The plunge of Enron stock serves as a warning that workers should not invest too much in their company

A Smarter Slice Of Toast (Personal Time/Your Technology)

Toasters now come with computer chips and pie charts. If they're so clever, why is breakfast such a chore?

In Brief (Personal Time/Your Technology)


Lone Star Rising (The Arts/Cinema)

Who's the guy with the nose? Owen Wilson--hot screenwriter, gifted comic and now, action hero

The Second Life Of Brian (The Arts/Television)

ABC's original male weepie was a lachrymose landmark. If at first you succeed, cry, cry again

Gods In The Wading Pool (The Arts/Theater)

Mary Zimmerman draws from the myths of Ovid to create entrancing theater--and an unlikely hit

Spy Game (The Arts/Short Takes/Cinema)

Directed by Tony Scott