Letters, Jan. 5, 1942

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> Reader Chapin has a good point in general. Whether it has a bearing, as it may, on the defeat at Pearl Harbor remains to be seen.—ED.

"I do not doubt . . ."


. . . The talk of the day is this new phase of the war and nearly everyone condemns the treacherous way used by the Japanese to attack America. ... I do not doubt that millions of plain South American citizens were as deeply hurt in their feelings as I by the word-breaking of the Japanese warmongers. I do not doubt that our Governments are going to join the All-American Front against foreign aggressors. . . .

May God help us save "The Americas" and all that they stand for in the fight against the foreign forces of evil and destruction.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Maniacs Excepted


From your standpoint, and mine, the German-Italy-Japan combination now should be known as the "Maniaxis."

No combination of leaders, maniacs excepted, would tackle Uncle Sam—particularly now when the desert blisters and the Russian Bear bites.


Spokane, Wash.



I thought you might be interested in what a Bucknell University English professor wrote on a theme which I had written concerning the new Chicago Sun in which I used TIME as one of my references.

"I cannot approve of your modeling your style after that of TIME. It is cheap, undignified, smart-aleck."


Lewisburg, Pa.

P.S. I got a grade of "B" for the work.

— To achieve a "B" against such odds, Student Wilson's theme must have been a dandy.—ED.

More than Charity

Sirs: Enclosed is check for $5 for United China Relief, sent in response to your interesting and touching letter of the 8th inst.

We regret that it cannot be for many times that amount, but a lighthouse keeper's pay is small and the increasing cost of living, with mounting taxes, national, state and hidden, rather curtails one's generous impulses. . . .


U.S. Coast Guard Seattle, Wash.


I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute, through TIME, to a cause that has been near to my heart for a good many years. It has seemed to me that China is destined, in the not far distant future, to become the outstanding Christian nation of the world; perhaps a refuge for the crumbling religion of our Western World.

I do frequently contribute, in my small way, to China's necessities and shall continue to do so. It must be a small way because I am a retired rural teacher, my sole income has been $400 annually and that is not commensurate with my interest in this cause. . . .


Shelfar, Va.


In the past I had always felt hesitancy in giving for China Relief. I was of the opinion that what mattered a few million more or less Chinese, that their situation was pretty hopeless anyway. I had contributed to our church (Presbyterian) mission work for schools and medical work, in the belief that education of the natives to work out their own salvation was the solid foundation which merited our support.

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