Grist is the Colbert Report of climate change, the Daily Show of deforestation, the Oprah of oil dependency — except with real reporting and analytical journalism. Also, Grist staffers have never had a dust-up with David Letterman. (Not yet.) The e-zine delivers news and news-you-can-use on pivotal topics — with punny, sometimes corny headlines, such as "Diversifying Your Stalk Portfolio," a recent article on hunters and climate change, or "Let's Call the Coal Thing Off," a take on the growing popularity of "coal-bashing." One of the site's most visited and handiest features should be bookmarked in every climate-defender's browser: Coby Beck's comprehensive rebuttal to all global-warming naysayers, "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic."
Sample Grist humor: You might want to sit down for this: Al Gore will announce his candidacy for president this week, knowledgeable sources tell Grist. There's an inconvenient truth for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Gore believes the two Democrats and Republican John McCain aren't giving climate change the urgent attention it deserves, so he's decided to go for the job himself, say Gore advisors who requested anonymity as they aren't authorized to speak to the press. (The story ran on April Fools' Day.)