Waiting for the Bell

With the trial nearly over, Senators look to the door. But will they censure Clinton before they bolt?


Dawn Of A New Era

With the death of King Hussein, Jordan is left to his untested son Abdullah


AT&T Betting On Its Bundle

Ma Bell aims to redefine an industry by packaging full phone service with Net access and cable TV--at bargain prices

Star Wars

The gravitational pull of a handful of big Web "portals" is reshaping cyberspace


Meet The Post-Ally Women (The Arts/Television)

On Providence, NBC's new hit, and a trio of shows from Lifetime, the ladies forswear yuppie fantasies and seek relevance

Hair Down to There (The Arts/Fashion)

Those luxe extensions Gwyneth wore to the Golden Globes are no longer just for stars

The Bard's beard? (The Arts/History)

He's hot again, and so is that nagging question: Who really wrote Shakespeare?

Bosom Buddies

Today's men's magazines all share a common interest. Can you tell?

American Tragedy (The Arts/Theater)

At 50, Willy Loman is still our favorite failure

Settling Old Scores (The Arts/Books)

Norman Podhoretz's latest memoir shows why his former friends don't need any enemies

Archangel (The Arts/Short Takes/Books)

By Robert Harris

The Last Days (The Arts/Short Takes/Cinema)

Directed by James Moll


Cyberspeech on Trial (Law)

A judge KOs an indecency law, and a jury hits an antiabortion website with a $107 million verdict

A Bad Start? (Family)

Living together, a report claims, may be the road to divorce

Good News At a Price (Health)

A study finds that AIDS drugs can help poor kids--but was it ethical?

Ruckus In the Woods (Nature)

Ex-fishing guide Michael Dombeck cuts a new path for the Forest Service

The New (and Old) NBA (Sport)

Have we forgiven them already? Pro basketball returns from the strike with Clintonesque numbers


Retiring Well (TIME Select/Finance)

You're likely to live a long time after you quit work. Can you afford it?


You've Got Male! (Personal Time/Technology)

It's easy to find guys who seem attractive online, but that first real date can disappoint

Stroke Specialists (Personal Time/Your Health)

A new therapy can reverse brain damage--but only if you get to the right hospital, and fast

Surprising Growth (Personal Time/Your Money)

Why have Warren Buffett-style consumer brands lagged behind the technology stocks?