The People Who Shape Our World (The TIME 100)

Here's our list of the 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world

Talk Back

With so many people to choose from this year, we want to hear your thoughts on our list of the world's most influential people this year. Who should have been included and wasn't? Were any of the people on our list more influential than others? Who should not have made it?

TIME 100

Ehud Olmert (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Israel Turns to The Inside Man

Jimmy Wales (Scientists & Thinkers)

The (Proud) Amateur Who Created Wikipedia

Jim Yong Kim (Scientists & Thinkers)

Treating the "Untreatable"

Dieter Zetsche (Builders & Titans)

Act II for The Man Who Fixed Chrysler

Steve Wynn (Builders & Titans)

He Didn't Invent Las Vegas. He Just Makes It Work

Nandan Nilekani (Builders & Titans)

The Indian at the Center Of the Global Economy

Brian France (Builders & Titans)

The Man Who Made NASCAR Fly

Jamie Dimon (Builders & Titans)

The Banker Who Thinks Big

Katie Couric (Heroes & Pioneers)

The New Anchor Is Shaking Up The News

Dane Cook (Artists & Entertainers)

Standing Out in the Art of Stand-Up

Mukhtaran Bibi (Heroes & Pioneers)

A Pakistani Rape Victim Fights Back

Tyra Banks (Artists & Entertainers)

Supermogul with A Business Model

Daddy Yankee (Artists & Entertainers)

Reigning Champ Of Reggaeton

Paul Simon (Heroes & Pioneers)

Bringing Depth and a Global Touch To Pop Music

Wafa Sultan (Heroes & Pioneers)

A Daring Voice Calls For a New Islam

Ian Fishback (Heroes & Pioneers)

Blowing the Whistle on Torture

Joey Cheek (Heroes & Pioneers)

The Speedskater With a Heart of Gold

Jan Egeland (Heroes & Pioneers)

The World's Conscience

Elie Wiesel (Heroes & Pioneers)

He Taught Us How to Answer Evil

Steve Nash (Heroes & Pioneers)

Why the NBA Needs This Man

Rob Pardo (Artists & Entertainers)

Architect of Virtual Worlds

Meryl Streep (Artists & Entertainers)

You Should Hear Her Sing

Howard Stern (Artists & Entertainers)

New King of Satellite

Zadie Smith (Artists & Entertainers)

Chronicler of Cultural Clash

Will Smith (Artists & Entertainers)

The Smart Mouth with a Sweet Heart

Bono (Heroes & Pioneers)

"I Knew That He Was Genuine"

Kiki Smith (Artists & Entertainers)

Delighting in the Debased

Jeff Skoll (Artists & Entertainers)

The Maker of Take-Action Movies

Rachael Ray (Artists & Entertainers)

Turning Up The Heat At Home

Ma Jun (Scientists & Thinkers)

The Man Who Would Save the People's Water

Rain (Artists & Entertainers)

The Magic Feet from Korea

John Jones (Scientists & Thinkers)

The Judge Who Ruled for Darwin

Bill James (Scientists & Thinkers)

Baseball's Sultan of Stat

Zahi Hawass (Scientists & Thinkers)

The Guardian Of Egypt's Antiquities

Jim Hansen (Scientists & Thinkers)

The Wisdom of a Climate Crusader

Kerry Emanuel (Scientists & Thinkers)

The Man Who Saw Katrina Coming

Nancy Cox (Scientists & Thinkers)

Heading Off the Next Flu Pandemic

Kelly Brownell (Scientists & Thinkers)

Battling America's Obesity Epidemic

Renzo Piano (Artists & Entertainers)

The Bellissimo Builder

Mike Brown (Scientists & Thinkers)

Pluto's Worst Nightmare

Orhan Pamuk (Artists & Entertainers)

Teller of the Awful Truth

Oprah Winfrey (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Telling America's Story

Ang Lee (Artists & Entertainers)

The Cross-Cultural Cowboy of Film

Angela Merkel (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Why Germans Are Smiling Again

John Roberts (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

The New Face Of America's Highest Court

Wayne Gould (Artists & Entertainers)

Sudoku's Typhoid Mary

Jim Sinegal (Builders & Titans)

Costco's Discount CEO

Pervez Musharraf (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Why Pakistan's Leader May Be The West's Best Bet for Peace

Wen Jiabao (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

China's Mr. Pragmatic Gets to Work

Ellen DeGeneres (Artists & Entertainers)

The Bravest Comedian In Show Biz

Dixie Chicks (Artists & Entertainers)

Country's Defiant Darlings

John McCain (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

The Maverick Gunning for the Oval Office

Hugo Chavez (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Leading the Left-Wing Charge

Eddie Lampert (Builders & Titans)

The Best Investor on Wall Street?

Anne Mulcahy (Builders & Titans)

Keeping Xerox Out of Trouble

Tom Freston (Builders & Titans)

The Ageless Hipster And His Pop Empire

Vikram Akula (Builders & Titans)

Finding Novel Ways to Support India's Poor

Steven Levitt (Scientists & Thinkers)

Thinking Way, Way Outside The Box

George W. Bush (Leaders & Revolutionaries)

Trying to Salvage an Administration

Matt Drudge (Artists & Entertainers)

Redefining What's News

J.J. Abrams (Artists & Entertainers)

The Double-Threat Storyteller

Al Gore (Heroes & Pioneers)

America Takes a Fresh Look at "Ozone Man"