Maria Callas

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Maria Callas remains an icon with an instantly recognizable voice. But she was also the first opera singer to be equipped with the ingredients of international celebrity: charisma, glamour, wealth, she had it all, together with the touches of scandal and tragedy that made her story so compelling. Since her time, every female opera singer has been measured against this powerful role model.

Callas had a direct influence on the first steps of my career. At 19, I was called to perform at a gala in Paris devoted to her memory. There, the conductor Daniel Barenboim discovered me and he consequently guided me to Mozart, a composer who became one of the foundations of my life and career.

Callas modernized our metier. Her life was a tireless creative search. She was one of the first to recognize the importance of being an actress as well as a singer, and was uncompromising in her belief that, in order to achieve a complete dramatic performance, all aspects of the operatic genre require equal attention. She was a pioneer in restoring forgotten repertoire and in exploring new ways of musical interpretation. To this day, I find that many of her exemplary recordings are astounding.

is a world-renowned mezzo-soprano and is best known for her Mozart and Rossini roles