Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2009

4. Club Deuce, Miami Beach

The Deuce is a dingy, black-tiled bar that has seen better years, and those years occurred a very long time ago. But in a town where hot drinking spots come and go like the tide, the Deuce still stands alone. In operation since 1926, it is here that you'll find a dedicated lineup of regulars — from after-work types to disheveled hipsters to Mickey Rourke look-alikes — all enjoying the 11-hour happy hour (8 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and basking in the pungent aroma of stale beer and cigarettes. Though the bar eschews South Beach formalities such as velvet ropes and guest lists, it has not been without its moments of high celebrity: in addition to attracting boldface names — Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon and Kate Moss have all been spotted here — it once served as a location for an episode of Miami Vice.